International Women's Day: We will win!
We will win! Sexism we believe brings a society down, keeps it from progressing, and staying safe. From the very beginning we have made extra and thoughtful actions to bring women to the forefront and give them the due respect.
Each year, we celebrate International women’s day with much joy, passion and commitment to measure how far we have come along and also plan on our work ahead.
This year, Meera Gill, our Founding President spoke at various Television and Radio shows to inspire, motivate and support women in the leadership positions, in particular in politics.
Harjinder Thind Show, RedFm 93.1fm radio:
She answered many questions like why should one celebrate IWD, what is the representation of Canadian women in politics, should men hesitate to welcome strong women in an organizations, why there is a gender pay gap and many more tough questions in her interview at Focus Punjabi, Edmonton Omni TV with Jarnail Basota.
She has walked this path herself and respects the sacrifices of women and support of wise men who have came before her. Under her leadership, we are collectively committed to the sincere and crucial tasks of brining gender equality in our society by ending domestic violence, sexism, human trafficking and bulling.
Meera Gill in conversation at Gurbaj Brar Show, KRPI 1550am
She spoke about when did women get recognized as a person in the Canadian Law, when did women secure the right to vote, and finally took the viewers on the journey to the time when women will have seat on all decision making tables to speak for themselves.
Meera Gill speaking at the Kamal Aujla Show (Ekta TV and Radio Punjab)
We wish for all our supporters, and volunteers to continue on this path of raising awareness and promoting human rights.
Together we can, together we will.