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Trip to Revolstoke

Our Global Village Charitable Foundation (OGV) took our precious seniors (Punjabi Speaking) for a two-days ( Sept 6th and 7th 2017) retreat to Revelstoke, BC.

A coach bus left at 8:00 am on Sept 6th from the Bear Creek Park, Surrey, BC carrying thirty-eight seniors with a team of OGV volunteers for Revelstoke and returned at 8:30 pm on Sept 7th. The purpose of this trip was to offer mentally, physically, emotionally and culturally rich rejuvenating experiences to our grandmothers who have dedicated their lives to the future generations. For physical, and spiritual exercises, both of the mornings started with the Japji Sahib, and followed through with a relaxing meditational music. The evening of the 6th involved pool and hot tub-time which later lead to a much-appreciated pedicure for all our mothers and the evening concluded with a cheerful dance lesson. The morning of Sept 7th offered walking, yoga, many gentle stretch exercises and cultural dances. To spark their rich memory banks, mothers were lead to participate in the fun filled writing exercises. Together the group came up with 57 Punjabi jewelry items. Both days also involved jogging of their musical memories by singing many of the folk songs of Punjab. Furthermore, they were inspired to read books by having them read her own stories by a well-respected Punjabi story-writer, Harkirat Kaur Chahal. Harkirat has recently published a short story book- “Parian Sang Parwaz” and globally appreciated novel in the Punjabi diaspora, “Tere Bajon”. It was an honour to showcase a Punjabi female writer through this trip. To add to their knowledge and experience, mothers were taken for a visit to the BC Interior Forestry Museum and Forest Discovery Center. This facility introduced them to the history of the gold mining, fur and forest industry of the area going far back than the 18th century. They also saw the BC Hydro’s Revelstoke Dam, which started generating power in 1984, and now generates over 2480 megawatts of power with 5 generating units.It was an honour for the OGV volunteers to get an opportunity to plant a tree with the ‘All National 150 Canada Tree planting project’ of the BC Forestry Department to represent the entire Indian Community. In terms of meals, the trip started with a healthy snack-pack in the bus with a juice box. At the first pit stop, a cup of hot tea and snacks were offered. Lunch at the Shuswap Lake, included palik-paneer, black chick peas, dahien–bhala, roti and gajar-halwa. Delicious dinner had vegetable lasagna, coleslaw, green salad, and garlic bread. The morning of 8th started with a cup of tea and cookies before the mediation, breakfast offered rich options including various cold cereals, eggs, muffins, fruit and cold cut meats. Delicious lunch was offered with chilly, rice and salad. The day was complimented with follow up tea and then snacks in the bus.Besides all these activities, seniors enjoyed photography, videography, and a cultural-fun filled night of singing, dancing, bonding and much more. It was an honour and privilege to offer such an experience to our seniors and we look forward to other organizations also hosting similar initiatives in the coming future. OGV will continue to host trend setting retreats for all ages in the years to come. Meera Together we can, Together we will!

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